The weather is getting colder and colder as we’re approaching the end of November and I kinda like it. Not only it’s a chance to layer up clothing wise, but with the days getting shorter it feels like there’s more time for personal affairs like reading, catching up on a TV show, or cooking your favorite meal.

And when it’s not super dark or raining, I get to take a few photos outside. Like these ones.

ootd fall

For this outfit I chose a pair of green cargo pants from Marks & Spencer, a white henley from J. Crew, my favorite bomber jacket from Eleven Paris and a pair of brown suede chukka boots. Of course, my bandana as an accessory as well as my pair of Dom Vetro glasses. Oh, and my very special watch. Always.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

ootd bomber laugh

ootd enjoy

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Have a great weekend… even though it’s only Thursday! 🙂 🙂