Ready for the weekend? Here’s the Interior of the day – your Friday inspiration from Finland to help you get in that cozy…
Pentru că suntem în sezon și pentru că nu am mai scris de mult, vă propun câteva fotografii menite să vă destindă (cel puțin…
Lots of light, a comfortable sofa, breakfast at noon. Enjoy the weekend!…
This is such a nice living area, especially for moody, rainy days like this.…
A couple built this house in the forest for their retirement, after years of visiting the area – outside Greenwater, Washington – and…
I like the idea of an open space like this a lot. It makes me feel comfortable and it could be easily be…
This is a very good example of mixing the old with the new. It has the feeling of a Parisian apartment (and I…
Simple, intimate and cozy. I have been thinking about going skiing lately and this looks like the perfect retreat at the end of…
It is quite incredible how small this cabin looks on the outside and the space it actually offers. There is a bedroom upstairs,…
When I see a beautiful house like this, my mind places it almost immediately in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, North California) or Australia.…