If you’re at least somewhat into menswear, you most certainly know who Gianni Agnelli was. L’Avvocato, as he was also known (because he…
Mr Lalle Johnson is a stylist and a men’s fashion consultant based in Stockholm. He started out as a model in the fashion…
Bernard Fouquet is, to me, the epitome of gentlemanliness. He is exactly the type of person described in my About page. A man…
A few days back, Facebook has been kind enough to remind me that it’s been exactly a year since I went to Cuba…
The best dressed man in the world, according to Esquire Magazine. One of the most photographed gents in menswear and street style. A…
Adrian Nina is a photographer and a creative guy in general and you can see that in the way he dresses as well as…
If you’re into men’s fashion, you must have heard already about Richard Biedul, the male model with piercing blue eyes who sports a…
Nu, nu e titlul unei telenovele, ci numele unui hotel nou și foarte cool în nordul Ibizei, creat de un cuplu olandezi, Rozemarijn Witte și…
Pe mine mă fascinează fotografiile făcute from above și nu cred că sunt singurul având în vedere popularitatea acestora pe rețelele de socializare. Lăsând la…
Adică hotelul cu zero stele, unde poți privi stelele. (Re)deschis de artiștii conceptuali Frank și Patrik Riklin (care instalaseră anterior (2009-2010) hotelul într-un buncăr…